Saggi di Dodis

Saggi di Dodis 4 (2022/4)

Adriano Bazzocco

Aufgenommen – abgewiesen. Juden auf der Flucht aus Italien während des Zweiten Weltkrieges: neue Daten und Analysen

The debate on the work of the Bergier Commission was dominated by the question of the rejected Jewish refugees. According to the commission’s final report, more than 20 000 civilian refugees, a large number of them Jews, were turned away during the Second World War. In this article, a review and supplementation of the documentary corpus shows that the repatriations in Ticino and Mesolcina mainly concerned Italian military personnel. Based on cross-comparisons with additional statistics, a figure of no more than 745 rejected Jews is obtained for this section of the border. This means that significantly fewer Jews were turned back at the border with Italy than what had previously been assumed.

Adriano Bazzocco, *1967, Dr. phil., Historiker, forscht insbesondere zur Geschichte der schweizerischen Flüchtlingspolitik im Zweiten Weltkrieg und zum Schmuggel an der schweizerisch-italienischen Grenze.

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