Sacha Zala and Flurina Felix
Regieren und Protokollieren. Anmerkungen zur Geschichte der Protokollführung in den Bundesratssitzungen
This article examines the taking of minutes at Federal Council meetings since 1848, with a focus on the 20th century. The Federal Chancellery’s responsibilities in preparing, holding and recording these meetings have been gradually expanded, ultimately producing its present form as a staff unit. This development is manifested in the different types of documents held by the Federal Archives in part or in series. The article traces the debates surrounding the manner in which minutes are kept in the Federal Council and shows how, against all reservations, the controversial minutes of proceedings were able to establish themselves alongside the traditional government instrument that are decision minutes.
Sacha Zala, *1968, Dr. phil., Historiker, Direktor der Forschungsstelle Diplomatische Dokumente der Schweiz und Professor an der Universität Bern.
Flurina Felix, *1991, B.A., Historikerin, absolviert einen Master in europäischer Geschichte an der Universität Basel.
ISSN: 2571-6964
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