Research Group

Jonas Hirschi, M.A.

Academic researcher, digital production

Studied history and economics at the University of Bern.
Master thesis on the political functions of the Diplomatic Protocol of Switzerland from 1945-1980.
From 2013 to 2019 academic researcher at the umbrella organization of Swiss Youth Parliaments and from 2017 to 2019 personal assistant to a national member of parliament. Member of the research group since January 2020. Responsible for digital production and management of the auxiliary staff.

Research priorities

Foreign policy by the Parliament
Relations Switzerland–Ireland
History of the diplomatic protocol


Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Geschichte (SGG)
International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions (ICHRPI)


Der unsichtbare Dienst. Geschichte des diplomatischen Protokolls der Schweiz 1946–1990 (Quaderni di Dodis), Bern 2021.

The Missing Recognition: How Ireland And Switzerland Established Diplomatic Relations, in: Irish Studies in International Affairs, 2023. Project MUSE,

Switzerland–Ireland. The Diplomatic Relations of Two Island Nations 1918–1992, Saggi di Dodis 5 (2023/3),

Unpoli­tisch politi­scher Empfang, Blog des Schweizerischen Nationalmuseums, Zürich 2022.


3.10.2022: University of Limerick; The diplomatic relations between two island nations
6.2.2023: Seminari di Dodis; Irland–Schweiz. Die politischen Beziehungen zweier Inselnationen
28.9.2023: 75th Conference of the ICHRPI, Rome-Naples; The impact of global events on the role of the Swiss Parliament in foreign policy