Print Edition

DDS 1993

Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland
Volume 1993
Senior researcher: Sacha Zala
Berne 2024
Softcover, CHF 16.–
Bound, with dust cover, CHF 58.–

Academic Researchers
Thomas Bürgisser, Annina Clavadetscher, Andréa Espinosa, Flurina Felix, Lena Heizmann, Jonas Hirschi, Mattia Mahon, Dominik Matter, Maurizio Rossi, Yves Steiner


After the EEA rejection, the Federal Council launched a visit offensive to initiate bilateral sectoral negotiations with the EU. In its report on Switzerland’s foreign policy in the 1990s, it draws up an overall strategy for safeguarding interests in the changed international environment. Other topics covered in the edited documents include economic relations with Asia, development cooperation, cooperation with the countries of Eastern Europe, security policy issues, international environmental policy, the Yugoslavian wars and foreign and asylum policy.

Additional information
Documents in Dodis

ISBN 978-3-907261-30-9 (Hardcover)
ISBN 978-3-907261-31-6 (Softcover)
ISBN 978-3-907261-32-3 (.pdf)
ISBN 978-3-907261-33-0 (.epub)
ISBN 978-3-907261-34-7 (.mobi)