Yves Steiner and Sacha Zala
Die Schweizer Diplomatie auf dem Pulverfass des Nahen Ostens 1945–1975
In the explosive situation in the Middle East, Swiss foreign policy principles of «neutrality» and «universality» were put to the test during the Cold War. From the delicate question of recognition of the new Jewish state, the declined offer of «good offices» during the Suez crisis in favour of the United Nations, the furious Arab protests given the strong pro-Israeli stance of public opinion during the Six Days War, to the trauma caused by Palestinian terror and the repercussions of the 1973/74 oil crisis, Switzerland was faced by many tough challenges. The hereby adjusted Swiss assessment of the problems in the Middle East seemed to substantiate the awareness, that they could not be solved without balancing out the attention given to the interests of both parties of conflict. In general, this revaluation presented a further impetus to the slight loosening during the 1970s of the traditionally rather reserved Swiss foreign policy.
Yves Steiner, *1985, M.A., Historiker, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Koordinator Forschung bei der Forschungsstelle Diplomatische Dokumente der Schweiz;
Sacha Zala, *1968, Dr. phil., Historiker, Direktor der Forschungsstelle Diplomatische Dokumente der Schweiz und Professor an der Universität Bern.
Permalink: dodis.ch/saggi/1-2
DOI https://doi.org/10.22017/S-2019-2
ISSN: 2571-6964
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