Research Group

Maurizio Rossi, lic. phil.

ICT coordinator

Studied history, Italian and IT at the University of Geneva. Degree in contemporary history at the University of Geneva in October 2005 with research on the attitude of the Swiss federal government to the refugees from Chile after the September 11, 1973 military coup. Since 2006 academic researcher and responsible for the ICT at Dodis.

Main fields of research

Application of information technology in historical research Political and economic relations of Switzerland with Latin America (Dodis research).

Main publications

Maurizio Rossi: Solidarité d'en bas et raison d'Etat. Le Conseil fédéral et les réfugiés du Chili (septembre 1973 – mai 1976), Neuchâtel, Alphil, 2008. Description

RTS-Histoire VivanteSwissinfo,  L'Hebdo, La Regione, Il Caffé