Print Edition

DDS 1994

Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland
Volume 1994
Senior researcher: Sacha Zala
Berne 2025
Softcover, CHF 15.60
Bound, with dust cover

Academic Researchers
Thomas Bürgisser, Annina Clavadetscher, Flurina Felix, Lena Heizmann, Jonas Hirschi, Mattia Mahon, Dominik Matter, Maurizio Rossi, Yves Steiner

Following the acceptance of the «Alpen-Initiative» and the rejection of Swiss troops as UN blue helmets, the Federal Council’s international policy was increasingly being called into question. Strong interference between domestic and foreign policy also manifested itself in the beginning bilateral negotiations with the EU. Other central themes of the edited documents include development cooperation, economic relations with South-East Asia, Africa and Latin America, security policy cooperation in Europe as well as financial, energy and asylum policy. Finally, questions arose about how to deal with the genocide in Rwanda, as well as the conflicts in the former Soviet Union, the former Yugoslavia and the Middle East.

Additional information

Documents of the volume in Dodis
All documents from 1994 in Dodis

ISBN 978-3-907261-40-8 (Hardcover)
ISBN 978-3-907261-41-5 (Softcover)
ISBN 978-3-907261-42-2 (.pdf)
ISBN 978-3-907261-43-9 (.epub)
ISBN 978-3-907261-44-6 (.mobi)