Print Edition

DDS 1991

Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland
Volume 1991
Senior researcher: Sacha Zala

LVI and 386 pages, 16x24cm
Berne 2022
Softcover, CHF 12.80
Bound, with dust cover, CHF 58.–

Academic Researchers
Thomas Bürgisser, Annina Clavadetscher, Lena Heizmann, Jonas Hirschi, Mattia Mahon, Dominik Matter, Maurizio Rossi, Yves Steiner

The hopes connected to the year of change 1990 were followed by disillusionment in 1991: the beginning of the Gulf War, the Yugoslav Wars, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union meant new challenges for Swiss foreign policy. Focal topics of the 62 edited documents are the conclusion of the negotiations on the European Economic Area and the transit agreement with the EC, the migration and refugee policy, the relations with international organisations, the economic relations with Asia and Latin America, as well as the continuation of development cooperation and humanitarian aid.

Additional information
Documents in Dodis

ISBN 978-3-907261-05-7 (Hardcover)
ISBN 978-3-907261-06-4 (Softcover)
ISBN 978-3-907261-07-1 (.pdf)
ISBN 978-3-907261-08-8 (.epub)
ISBN 978-3-907261-09-5 (.mobi)