Information about organization

Jamaika/Embassy in Bern
Jamaika/Botschaft in Bern (1969–1972)
Jamaika/Embassy in Bern (1969–1972)
Jamaïque/Ambassade à Berne (1969–1972)
Giamaica/Ambasciata a Berna (1969–1972)

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Persons linked to this organisation (2 records found)
17.11.1969–12.6.1972AmbassadorScott, Kenneth BrianAgrément par le Conseil fédéral le 27.8.1969, cf. PVCF No 1425.
27.6.1991–2.1993AmbassadorDurrant, Mignonette Patricia

Relations to other organizations (1)
Representation of Jamaica in Switzerland1969*-1972 Jamaika/Embassy in Bern