Information about Person

Frčkoski, Ljubomir
Additional names: Frckovski
Gender: male
Reference country: North Macedonia
Activity: Politician

Functions (4 records founds)
10.1.1992–23.2.1996MinisterNorth Macedonia/Ministry of Home Affairs
10.1.1992–23.2.1996Minister of the InteriorNorth Macedonia/Government
23.2.1996–29.5.1997Minister of Foreign AffairsNorth Macedonia/Government
23.2.1996–29.5.1997MinisterNorth Macedonia/Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mentioned in the documents (2 records found)
2.6.199259827pdfReportYugoslav Wars (1991–2001) The CSCE Human Rights Rapporteur Follow-up Mission visited Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia – including Kosovo and Vojvodina – and Slovenia between 3 and 9.5.1992. Since the Mission's last...
21.12.199366073pdfMemoNorth Macedonia (General) Der schweizerische Vertreter bei der Genfer Jugoslawienkonferenz berichtet über seine Teilnahme an einem Seminar in Skopje über Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik in Mazedonien, wo er zum Thema...