Information about Person

Grlić Radman, Gordan
Gender: male
Reference country: Croatia
Activity: Diplomat

Functions (5 records founds)
1991–1992SecretaryUniversity of ZagrebBusiness Secretar of the Faculty of Medicine
...1992...BeraterCroatia/Government Office for Displaced Persons and Refugees
1993...Embassy SecretaryCroatia/Embassy in Bern
22.7.2019...Minister of Foreign AffairsCroatia/Government
22.7.2019...MinisterCroatia/Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mentioned in the documents (1 records found)
24.4.199262364pdfMemoRefugees from former Yugoslavia Gegenwärtig dürften noch rund 150'000 Kroaten intern vertrieben sein. Hinzu kommen rund 100'000 geflüchtete Menschen aus Bosnien-Herzegowina. Das Land ist auf internationale Hilfe angewiesen. Die...