Information about Person

Borgeaud, Paulin
Gender: male
Reference country: SwitzerlandAlgeria
Nationality: Switzerland
Activity: Diplomat
Activity of the father: Diplomat
EDA/BV: Entry FDFA 1913 • Exit FDFA 1924
Personal dossier: E2500#1000/719#44*
Relations to other persons:

Borgeaud, Paulin is the child of Borgeaud, Jules • Cf. E2500#1000/719#44*.

Borgeaud, Paulin is grandchild of Borgeaud, Georges Henri

Functions (1 records founds)
27.6.1913–1924Honorary Vice ConsulConsulate General of Switzerland in AlgiersAb 22.10.1919 Postenchef, vgl. Historisches Verzeichnis der dipl. u. kons. Vertretungen der CH seit 1798, 1997, S. 11.
Cf. E 2001(A) 1367 Algier (PVCF du 27.6.1913 et du 22.8.1913).